- Maximum Daily Payment Limit
Payment by HKD savings or current accounts:
- The default daily payment limit to “General Merchants” is zero. You can set the limit up to HKD100,000 through Mobile Banking or Internet Banking using Two-factor Authentication.
- "Bank's Designated Merchants" are the merchants marked with "*". The default daily payment limit is zero. You can set the limit up to HKD1,000,000 through Mobile Banking or Internet Banking using Two-factor Authentication.
- The default daily payment limit to “Educational Institutions” is zero. You can set the limit up to HKD250,000 through Mobile Banking or Internet Banking using Two-factor Authentication.
- The default daily payment limit to “Inland Revenue Department” is zero. You can set the limit up to HKD500,000 through Mobile Banking or Internet Banking using Two-factor Authentication.
Payment by BOC Credit Card and Commercial Card:
- The maximum daily limit for Bank’s Designated Merchants (merchants marked with *):
- HKD1,000,000 or the available limit of your card (whichever is lower)
- The maximum daily limit for online tax payment to Inland Revenue Department:
- HKD500,000 or the available limit of your card (whichever is lower)
- The maximum daily limit for Educational Institutions:
- HKD250,000 or the available limit of your card (whichever is lower)
- Other than Bank’s Designated Merchants, tax payment and Educational Institutions, the maximum daily limit for online bill payment:
- HKD100,000 or the available credit limit of your card (whichever is lower)
Please note that all transactions through Mobile Banking and Internet Banking must be within the respective maximum daily payment limits stated above.
- Payment by Account
- If your payment instruction cannot be processed, you will be notified by email and SMS.
- Payment by BOC Credit Card and Application for Bill Payment Instalment Service
- If your payment instruction cannot be processed, you will be notified by email.
- Please refer to the details as shown on your bill to set up the payment instruction. If you have any queries, please contact the related merchants.
- If specified requirements are met, each of your bill payment transactions can be paid by instalment. This Bill Payment Instalment Service is subject to a monthly handling fee and/or a one-time administration fee (depending on the available promotional offer). The status of service application can be checked via "Transaction Records" under the "Bill Payment" section. For early repayment, you have to pay the sum of the outstanding monthly instalments, the monthly handling fee, the one-time administration fee (if any) and the early repayment administration fee.
- Notice for the payment made by BOC Credit Card:
- Execution results of all bill payment instructions (including forward dated, regular payment and current payment instructions) will be posted on the "Internet Banking Bill Payment - Transaction Record" section after 8:30 pm (Hong Kong time, Mondays to Fridays) and 1:30 pm (Hong Kong time, Saturdays) on the execution date. If your payment instruction cannot be executed successfully, you will be notified by e-mail after 8:30 pm (Hong Kong time, Mondays to Fridays) or 1:30 pm (Hong Kong time, Saturdays) on the execution date.
- Online Bill Payment Service is not applicable to cardholders of BOC Prepaid Card, Private Label Card, Purchasing Card, USD Card, Additional Card, Great Wall International Credit Card, as well as BOC Credit Cards and Prepaid Card issued in Macau.
- Handling fee waiver is offered for payment of bills to merchant by a BOC Credit Card to the merchant bills. For payment to the merchant bills of "Banking and Credit Card Services", "Credit Services" and "Securities Broker", a handling fee of BOC Credit Card Balance Transfer will be charged and posted to your corresponding card account. For details, please click here.
- For online bill payment by BOC Visa Infinite Card, BOC CUP Dual Currency Diamond Card, BOC World MasterCard, BOC Visa Signature Card, BOC Platinum Credit Card, BOC Titanium Credit Card or BOC Commercial Credit Card, you can earn 1 Gift Point for every HKD1 you pay. For bill payments made to other merchant categories via Online Bill Payment, "JET Payment", Octopus Automatic Add Value Service transactions, person to person (P2P) fund transfer via mobile device/app/electronic platform as well as retail transactions under Supermarket, Convenience Store, Grocery Stores, Miscellaneous Food Stores and Government Department categories, each eligible BOC credit card's main card and additional card account is entitled to an aggregate maximum of 10,000 Gift Points# per statement cycle.
- The Gift Point Reward Program is not applicable to bill payment made to payees such as the "Inland Revenue Department" or those listed under the merchant category of "Banking and Credit Card Services", "Securities Broker", "Credit Services" or under the bill type of "Policy Loan Repayment" as well as online bill payment by means of BOC Classic/Gold Credit Card.
- The Cash Rebate offer is not applicable to bill payment made to payees such as the "Inland Revenue Department" or those listed under the merchant category of "Banking and Credit Card Services", "Securities Broker", "Credit Services" and under the bill type of "Policy Loan Repayment". For bill payments made to other merchant categories via Online Bill Payment, "JET Payment", Octopus Automatic Add Value Service transactions, person to person (P2P) fund transfer via mobile device/app/electronic platform as well as retail transactions under Supermarket, Convenience Store, Grocery Stores, Miscellaneous Food Stores and Government Department categories, each eligible BOC credit card's main card and additional card account is entitled to an aggregate maximum of HKD50 Cash Rebate# per statement cycle.
# Effective from 3 January 2018, the person to person (P2P) fund transfer via mobile device/app/electronic platform category will be included for maximum cap of Gift Points or Cash Rebate entitlement per statement cycle.
- Using two-factor authentication
- You can set up payment instructions for bills of the "Government or Statutory Organisation", "Public Utility", "Primary or Secondary Education" and "Post-secondary or Specialised Education" without the use of two-factor authentication.
- To pay the bills of merchants other than the aforesaid categories, you are required to use two-factor authentication when first time submitting the payment instructions. Once finished, the bill will be registered automatically for future payments, and you will receive SMS notification at the same time.
- If you have not activated the two-factor authentication, please visit any of our branches for registration.
- View Merchant Details
- You can enquire the "Description on Bill Account" for the merchant's Reference Number via "Merchant Details" link on "Bill Payment" input page.
- Effective Date
- You can choose "Pay Now" or "Pay Later On".
- "Pay Now":
- For payment by account: the "Pay Now" instruction will be executed on the same day (depending on the arrangement of the corresponding merchant).
- For payment by BOC Credit Card: the "Pay Now" instruction placed before the cut-off time (3:00 pm from Mondays to Fridays; and 10:00 am on Saturdays, except public holidays, both in Hong Kong time) will be executed on the same day (depending on the arrangement of the corresponding merchant).
- For payment by account with e-Receipt required: the "Pay Now" instructions placed before the cut-off time (12:00 noon from Mondays to Fridays, except Saturdays and public holidays, in Hong Kong time) will be executed on the same day. Instructions submitted after the cut-off time will be executed on the next working day (depending on the arrangement of the corresponding merchant).
- For payment with e-Receipt required: the "Pay Now" instructions placed before the cut-off time (12:00 noon from Mondays to Fridays, except Saturdays and public holidays, in Hong Kong time) will be executed on the same day. Instructions submitted after the cut-off time will be executed on the next working day (depending on the arrangement of the corresponding merchant).
- If typhoon signal number 8 or above/black rainstorm signal is hoisted, execution of the payment instruction may be postponed to the next working day.
- "Pay Later On": you can preset a payment instruction to be effective within the next 45 days. Instructions to be effective on the Saturdays will be executed on the next working day (depending on the arrangement of the corresponding merchant). Instructions to be effective on the non-working days will be executed on the next working day.
- My Bill List
- The bills of confirmed bill payment transactions will be saved automatically under "My Bill List". The payment details, including merchant name, bill number and bill type, will be stored for your future payment.
- You can save up to 100 bills.