Hong Kong Customer Brunei Customer

Hong Kong Customer

Service Hour
Account Setting
Limit Setting
Security Setting
Set ATM Service
Set up Credit Card Monthly Online and Card-Not-Present Spending Limit
Block/Unblock Credit Card
Block/Unblock BOC Card
Set up Over-the-limit Facility
BOC Card In-App Purchase Limit
BOC Card Daily Limit For POS Transaction And Transfer
Securities Quote Service Plan
Change Password
Change Personal Information
Address Proof Document Upload
Interface Setting

Service Hour

Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday and Public Holiday
Account Registration (or cancellation of account registration) 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Settlement Accounts Registration
- Securities Account 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
- Securities Margin Account 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
- Option Accounts
09:00 - 19:00 -- --
Update Limit Setting
- Fund Transfer and Payment Limit 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
- Issue e-Cheque/e-Cashier's Order 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
- Customized Daily Transaction Limit of HK Securities/A Shares Trading* 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Security setting 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Set ATM Service
- Local Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
- Outside Hong Kong Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
- Set up BOC Card In-App Purchase Limit 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Change password 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Change personal information
- Personal Information (Residential / Correspondence address excluded) 08:00 - 22:00 08:00 - 22:00 08:00 - 22:00
- Residential / Correspondence Address(es) 08:00 - 20:30 08:00 - 20:30 --
Change self-certification 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Address Proof Document Upload 08:00 - 22:00 08:00 - 22:00 08:00 - 22:00
*Setting service is not available from 02:30 to 06:30 from Tuesdays to Saturdays and from 02:30 to 08:00 on Sundays due to system upgrade.
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Account Setting

  1. Registration of Same-name Account and Credit Card
    • Via Internet Banking, you can register (or cancel registration of) your bank accounts/credit cards with the same identification number as your Internet/Phone Banking Service, covering HKD Savings Account, HKD Current Account, Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Current Account, USD Savings Account, USD Current Account, MTC Account, Security Account, USD Forex Margin Account, Precious Metal Margin Account, Securities Margin Account, Notional Precious Metals Passbook Account, Option Account, BOC Credit Card and BOC Express Cash.
    • Customers can register (or cancel registration of) up to 20 accounts for each transaction.
    • The above setting also applies to Phone Banking and Mobile Banking.

      (Remarks: Online account registration service does not apply to BOC Prepaid Card, Great Wall International Card, NCB US Dollar Card and BOC Credit Card issued in Macau.)

  2. Registration of Joint Account
    • You can register (or delete) your joint accounts (one of the joint account holder's identification number must be the same as your Internet/Phone Banking Service), including HKD Savings Account, HKD Current Account, Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Current Account, USD Savings Account, USD Current Account, MTC Account, Security Account, USD Forex Margin Account, Precious Metal Margin Account, Securities Margin Account, Notional Precious Metals Passbook Account and Option Account via Internet Banking.
    • You can enquire transactions of your registered joint account. If you like to use the joint account for financial transaction, the signing arrangement of the joint account must be "either-one-to-sign" effective.
    • Customers can register (or cancel registration of) up to 20 accounts for each transaction.
    • The above setting also applies to Phone Banking and Mobile Banking.

  3. Registration of Third-party Account or Credit Card
    • Via Internet Banking (two-factor authentication required) or our branch, you can register (or cancel registration of) the third-party accounts/credit cards maintained within the Bank, including HKD Savings Account, HKD Current Account, Sub-Account, BOC Credit Card and BOC Express Cash. If the third party account is under the same account opening bank as your account, accounts that can be registered also include Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Current Account, USD Current Account and MTC Account.
    • The above setting also applies to Phone Banking and Mobile Banking.

      (Remarks: Online account registration service does not apply to the Group’s overseas account, BOC CUP Dual Currency Credit Card, BOC CUP Dual Currency Commercial Card and BOCHK USD Platinum Card held by third party.)

  4. Registration of Beneficiary's Account for " Transfer"
    • When register the “Transfer” Beneficiary's Account, customer can select “Mobile Phone Number”、“Email Address”、“FPS ID” in the option of “Beneficiary's identify method” as the “FPS Proxy ID”; or you can select “Beneficiary's Account Number” or “Credit Card Number” as the Beneficiary's Account.
    • The Beneficiary record will be listed in “FPS Account” of “Account Maintenance” when registered via “Mobile Phone Number”、“Email Address”、“FPS ID”; The Beneficiary account will be listed in “Local Bank Transfer Account” when registered via “Beneficiary's Account Number” or “Credit Card Number”.
    • The "Beneficiary Bank Code" and "Beneficiary's Name" need to be inputted when customer select “Beneficiary's Account Number” or “Credit Card Number” in the option of “Beneficiary's identification method”. "Beneficiary Bank Code" is the clearing code provided by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited. Only the following characters can be accepted:
      • English Characters, e.g. A, a, B, b, C, c
      • Numerical Characters, e.g. 1,2,3
    • Only the following characters can be accepted in "Beneficiary's Name":
      • English Characters, e.g. A, a, B, b, C, c
      • Numerical Characters, e.g. 1,2,3
      • Symbols: / - ? : ( ) . , ' +
      • Please note that "/", ":" and "-" are not accepted as the first character of the "Beneficiary's Name". Also, consecutive spaces are not accepted as well.

  5. "Telegraphic Transfer" Beneficiary's Account
    • "Telegraphic Transfer" beneficiary's account indicates the account of any other banks inside or outside of Hong Kong. Our bank will send the payment instruction via SWIFT or Telex.

    • Account Number
      • The maximum character limit is 34, including numerical characters, English characters and spaces.
      • Please click here to find the examples of IBAN code for your reference.

    • Accepted Characters
      • Numerical Characters, e.g. 1,2,3
      • English Characters, e.g. A, a, B, b, C, c
      • The symbols: / - ? : ( ) . , ' +
      • "/", ":" and "-" are not accepted as the 1st character of the "Name" and "Address". Consecutive spaces are not accepted as well.

    • Chinese UTF-8 Characters
      • If you are using Netscape browser, the invalid page code will appear in some cases, please select [View]->[Distribution]->[UTF-8].

  6. "BOC Remittance Plus" Beneficiary's Account
    • After the registration of "BOC Remittance Plus" Beneficiary's account, you will enjoy a quicker fund transfer via BOC Remittance Plus in HKD, USD and CNY. Submitting the application within the service hours, and the fund would reach your designated Beneficiary's Banker on the same day.

    • Accepted Characters
      • Numerical Characters, e.g. 1,2,3
      • English Characters, e.g. A, a, B, b, C, c
      • The symbols: / - ? : ( ) . , ' +
      • "/", ":" and "-" are not accepted as the 1st character of the "Name and Address". Consecutive spaces are not accepted as well.

    • Chinese UTF-8 Characters
      • If you are using Netscape browser, the invalid page code will appear in some cases, please select [View]->[Distribution]->[UTF-8].

  7. Settlement Account Registration
    In order to trade investment products of deposit denominated in currencies RMB or others (e.g. USD), please register a RMB or multi-currency (MTC) account as "Settlement Account" in your investment account first.

  8. Account Balance Setting
    • Non integrated services customer can choose one HKD Current Account (if applicable) and one HKD Savings Account in the same name for the calculation of the consolidated monthly average balance. For account(s) other than those designated ones, a monthly fee will be charged to each account should its monthly average balance fall below the requirement.
    • Monthly fee details of Savings / Current Account:
      Bank Monthly fee of Savings / Current Account
      Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited Details
      Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd Details
      Chiyu Banking Corporation Ltd Details

  9. FPS Registration
    • You may register Addressing Service with your mobile phone number or email address or Hong Kong identity card (HKID) number, or apply a FPS Identifier (FPS ID) as your FPS Proxy ID and link up the Proxy ID with your BOCHK account (e.g. HKD Savings Account, HKD Current Account, Renminbi Savings Account, Renminbi Current Account).
    • Upon successful registration, the Proxy ID can be used to identify your account for receiving fund or to identify the debit account when setting up direct debit authorisation (eDDA). (Not applicable to the proxy ID registered with HKID number)
    • A Proxy ID registered with HKID number can only be used to receive payment and transfer from institutions, corporates and the HKSAR government. For clarity, this type of Proxy IDs cannot be used to identify the debit account when setting up direct debit authorisation (eDDA).
    • You may enquire registration details of the Proxy ID registered with BOCHK via Internet Banking, including "Proxy ID"、"Linked Account", "Default Account" and "Status".
    • You may amend the linked account of the Proxy ID registered with BOCHK via Internet Banking.
    • You may enquire all FPS registration records related to the Proxy ID registered with BOCHK and also delete the registration record of BOCHK or other banks via Internet Banking.
    • For your financial security, please verify the name of merchant or payee (partially masked) carefully before sending payments with mobile phone number, email address or FPS ID. If you receive any suspicious payment request, please confirm with the payee before sending any payment. For more security tips, please visit our website www.bochk.com (Home > Security information).
    • If you are 11 years old or above, you may register FPS addressing service to receive payments by your Proxy ID.
    • If you are under 18, you may consult your parents or guardian before registering FPS addressing service. Please note that you can only register your proxy ID for your account and you need to make sure your proxy ID is correct to receive payment or transfer. If you have changed your mobile number or email address, please promptly contact our bank to update the record and your FPS addressing settings. Since proxy ID may include your personal information, please pay attention to data security when disclosing your proxy ID. Also, please be aware that HKID number is sensitive information, so it will not be used for transfer between individuals. It can only be used to receive payment and transfer from institutions that hold HKID number of payee (e.g. corporates, institutions and the HKSAR government). Except for the above scenarios, please do not disclose your HKID number to others for receiving payment or transfer.
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Limit Setting

Category Limit (per day)
Bill Payment
General Merchants HKD100,000
Bank's Designated Merchant Payment Limit
This payment limit is only applicable to the Merchants marked with " * ".
HKD1,000,000 (or equivalent)
Educational Institutions Daily Payment Limit HKD250,000
Inland Revenue Department daily payment limit HKD500,000
HKJC Super Funds Transfer Service#
Transfer Limit Via HKD Savings Account Set via online: HKD500,000
Set via branch: HKD1,000,000
[Default limit: HKD 0]
Third Party Account Daily Fund Transfer Total Limit
Including fund transfer or remittance (WMC Remittance is not included) to registered third party accounts^ Raise limit via online: HKD1,000,000 (or equivalent)
Raise limit via Mobile Banking/branch: HKD3,000,000 (or equivalent)
(When raising limit to more than HKD1,000,000, the customer needs to log on to Mobile Banking via biometric authentication.)
WMC Daily Remittance Limit CNY3,000,000*
(*The daily remittance amount of the Northbound Scheme is subject to our bank’s individual investor quota and the aggregate quota. The net cumulative remittance from the dedicated remittance account to the dedicated investment account under the Northbound Scheme by each investor should not, at any time, exceed the individual investor quota . The individual investor quota for each investor is CNY 3 million If the investor simultaneously selects both a bank and a securities firm for investment under Northbound Scheme, the individual investor quota allocated between the bank and the securities firm will be CNY 1.5 million each. If the Customer needs to make changes on the selection of bank and/or securities firm for investment under the Northbound Scheme, the customer should first apply to Bank of China Limited for change of contract option and after the application has been approved and accepted, the relevant arrangements can be changed accordingly.)
Non-registered Payee Daily Transfer Limit HKD400,000 (or equivalent)
Daily Small Value Transfer Total Limit
(Two factor authentication is NOT required when making payment to non-registered payee with this limit).
(After enabling "FPS x PromptPay QR payment", you can use the "QR Code Pay/Collect" function of Mobile Banking to make payments to merchants in Thailand. By scanning the QR code of merchants in Thailand, you can make payments to them via FPS without any handling fees.) ("FPS x PromptPay QR payment" is applicable to Small Value Transfer Daily Transfer Limit)
Customized Daily Transaction Limit of HK Securities/A Shares Trading+ Buy: HKD999,999,999
Sell: HKD999,999,999
[Default Limit: No Limit]
Daily Transaction Limit of e-Cheque/e-Cashier's Order
Including issue e-Cheque and e-Cashier’s Order HKD500,000 (or equivalent)
#This service is only applicable to customers of Bank of China (Hong Kong).
^ Third party accounts include:
  1. other bank accounts within the Bank with identification number different from that of Internet/Phone Banking account holder
  2. other local bank accounts
  3. FPS Proxy ID
  4. overseas accounts
+This service is only applicable to stock trading via Internet Banking/Mobile Banking, the limit would be reset on 17:00 every day.
Methods to calculate Customized Daily Transaction Limit of HK Securities/A Shares Trading
  • Each securities account will be calculated separately.
  • Calculation method (Only applicable to stock trading via Internet Banking and Mobile Banking):
    • Remaining Daily Transaction Limit of Stock Trading = Customized Daily Transaction Limit of HK Securities/A Shares Trading- Accumulated Transaction Amount
    • Accumulated Transaction Amount = Order Price * Order Quantity (Brokerage Fees & Additional Charges excluded)
  • If there are unexecuted good-till-date orders on that day, those trading orders will be stored and calculated in "Accumulated Transaction Amount".
  • If customer had cancelled orders, partial executed and remaining cancelled orders or rejected orders (e.g. Market Rejected), the system will instantly release the transaction limit to "Accumulated Transaction Amount".
Notice: The limit can be amended online. If you want to increase the limit, please use two-factor authentication or visit any of our branches for application.
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Security Setting

To enhance security of online transactions, you are required to use two-factor authentication tools (includes: Mobile Token, Security Device or SMS one-time password.
  1. Two-factor authentication is required for the following "designated transactions":
    • Application of Security Device as two-factor authentication tool
    • Activation of Security Device
    • Reactivate the Security Device
    • Suspension of Security Device
    • Change login setting
    • Perform designated stocks trading (Not applicable to customers logging in Internet Banking with Security Device)
    • Issuing e-Cheque(s)/e-Cashier's Order(s)
    • Setting Daily Transaction Limit of e-Cheque/e-Cashier's Order
    • Payment of bills of "Designated Merchants" (except bills of merchant categories "Government or Statutory Organisation", "Public Utility", "Primary or Secondary Education" and "Post-secondary or Specialised Education")
    • Increase daily limit for funds transfer or bill payments
    • Open current accounts with immediate effect
    • Registration of third-party bank accounts maintained within the Bank
    • Registration of third-party accounts of BOC Credit Card
    • Registration of other local bank accounts
    • Registration of beneficiary accounts for remittance
    • Change personal information
    • Application of Cash Installment (applicable to BOC Credit Card Online Services only)
    • Application of Cash Before Card (applicable to BOC Credit Card Online Services only)

  2. You are required to use Two-factor authentication login to conduct the designated investment transactions. For each login session, you have to use two-factor authentication login once.
    • Securities / Securities Margin in different markets
      • Trading
      • Monthly Savings Plan
      • eIPO – Subscription / Financing
    • Debt Securities / Certificates of Deposit
      • IPO
      • Buy / Sell
    • Funds
      • Subscribe
      • Redeem / Switch
      • Monthly Savings Plan
    • Precious Metal / FX Margin
      • Trading
      • Good-Till-Date Order (include Trading/Delete)
    • Precious Metal
      • Trading
    • Structured Investments
      • Application
    • Investment Deposit
      • Application
    • Currency Linked Investments
      • Open Dual Currency Investment
      • Open Option Linked Investment
      • Squaring Contract

  3. Mobile Token
    • "Mobile Token" is a built-in function of BOCHK Mobile Application. Upon activation of "Mobile Token" on compatible mobile devices (Mobile Phones), you can generate a one-time "Security Code"/ "Transaction Confirmation Code" by using the preset Mobile Token passcode or Biometric Authentication (Fingerprint Authentication or Face ID Authentication), to confirm designated Internet / Mobile Banking transactions.
    • Operating system requirements and compatible mobile devices:
      • iOS 14 or above and Android 8.1 or above mobile phones.

  4. Security Device
    • Security Device is an electronic device which generates a one-time security code. You are required to input the one-time security code generated by the Security Device for authentication of transactions.

  • 4.1 Apply for Security Device
    • You are required to register your mobile number and visit any of our branches to apply for a "Security Device", "Security Device" with audio capability is also provided for the convenience of the visually impaired using Internet/Mobile Banking.
    • If you have registered for two-factor authentication (including SMS One-Time Password or e-Cert), you may apply for a "Security Device". Upon successful application, a "Security Device" will be sent to your mailing address by post. You are required to activate the "Security Device" before use.

  • 4.2 Activate Security Devices
    • Once activated, the "Security Device" you can conduct "designated transactions" with the "Security Device" through Internet Banking / Mobile Banking immediately.

  • 4.3 Reactivate the Security Devices
    • You can reactivate the suspended "Security Device" or reset the "Security Device" with this function.

  • 4.4 Suspend Security Device
    • After suspending the Security Device, you are unable to conduct "designated transactions" through Internet Banking. Please call Customer Service Hotline or visit any of our branches to reactivate the Security Device.

  1. Security Code Type
    • Security Code
      • By selecting "Login / Security Code" on "Mobile Token" or pressing the designated button on "Security Device", a 6-digit security code will be shown on the screen. The code can be used once only. You are required to input the security code to confirm the transaction.
    • Transaction Confirmation Code
      • You are required to input transaction confirmation code when conducting "designated transactions" through Internet Banking / Mobile Banking.
      • For Mobile Token
        You are required to following the instruction to select "Transaction Confirmation Code" on "Mobile Token" and input "Specific Transaction Information", such as account number or transaction ID to the Security Device, and then confirm by using biometric authentication or Mobile Token passcode to generate a 6-digit transaction confirmation code.
      • For Security Device
        You are required to following the instruction to press until showing "-" and input "Specific Transaction Information", such as account number or transaction ID to the Security Device, and then press again to generate a 6-digit transaction confirmation code.

  2. Specific Transaction Information
    • When conducting "designated transactions", you are required to enter specific transaction information such as account number or transaction ID to the "Mobile Token" / "Security Device" to generate the transaction confirmation code. The content to be input will be underlined in red on the Internet Banking screen for each transaction. Below are some examples:

    Example Information indicated in red and underlined on the Internet Banking screen Numbers to be entered into the Security Device
    4 to 8-digit number 1234567
    (All numbers)
    (All numbers)
    (All numbers)
    Include numeric and non-numeric characters, such as alphabets 123ab456cd789
    (Input 8 digits while alphabets are not required)
    Number with more than 8 digits 123456789
    (Last 8 digits)

  3. Login Setting
    • You can choose to log into the Internet Banking with the "Mobile Token" / "Security Device".
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Set ATM Service

  1. Local Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit
    • The daily cash withdrawal limit can be set from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $80,000 and should be in a multiple of $1,000.
    • The daily withdrawal limit applicable to your bank accounts under BOC Card and bank accounts linked with BOC Credit Card for each customer (regardless of the number of BOC Cards registered under the same account holder), except for the counter transactions.

  2. Outside Hong Kong Daily Cash Withdrawal Limit
    You can activate, amend or cancel Outside Hong Kong ATM Cash Withdrawal function for BOC Card(s) and BOC Credit Card(s) under your name. If you would like to set up the Outside Hong Kong ATM Cash Withdrawal function for Credit Card(s), please register your credit card on Internet Banking first.
    • Activate
      • You can set the daily cash withdrawal limit, start date and end date of validity period.
    • Amend
      • You can amend the daily cash withdrawal limit, start date and end date of validity period. (Remark: Amendment of start date is only allowed before the setting in effect.)
    • Cancel
      • You can cancel the Outside Hong Kong ATM Cash Withdrawal function anytime.
    • The start date of validity period could be today or within the validity period of the card. The minimum validity period is 1 day and the maximum validity period is the expiry date of the card.
    • If the Outside Hong Kong ATM Cash Withdrawal function of the card has not been activated, the validity period will be shown as "Not Activated".
    • After the end date, the validity period will be automatically updated as "Not Activated".
    • The daily limit of cash withdrawal must not exceed the daily limit of cash withdrawal/cash advance of the card at ATMs. You may refer to the list of maximum ATM daily cash withdrawal limit of respective card(s).
    • The "Maximum ATM daily cash withdrawal limit of respective BOC card(s)" table is for reference only. The maximum daily cash withdrawal limit can be adjusted to up to HKD 80,000.

  3. Apply BOC Card
    • BOC Card (including other cash withdrawal cards) is issued to customers with Hong Kong Dollar or Renminbi accounts, as well as Multi-Currency savings account (including Renminbi and other currencies where applicable).
    • BOC Card gives access to your registered accounts (registered accounts can be individual account and single-sign joint account) at our ATMs and designated electronic channels. The maximum number of accounts that you may register for each BOC Card (depending on the type of BOC Card) is subject to our revision from time to time. You may register any of your accounts under your name (including single-sign joint account) up to a maximum of 5 Cards (including BOC Credit Card).
    • Joint account (single-sign joint account only) holder(s) may apply for individual BOC Card. Up to 5 BOC Cards with the same single-sign joint account as primary account will be issued to 5 joint account holders for their respective use (depending on the card type).

  4. BOC Card/Credit Card Sub-Account Registration

    Service Hours

    Sub-account Registration Effective Date*
    Monday – Saturday (Except public holiday) 8 AM to 9 PM Daily After 8 AM of the following day

    * Customers can activate the setting by conducting an enquiry / a transaction at BOCHK ATM on or after the Effective Date.

    Service Overview

    1. Customers holding BOC Card(s) (only applicable to single-sign BOC Card) and / or Credit Card(s)* and registered in Internet Banking can view and amend sub-account(s) via BOC Card/Credit Card Sub-Account Registration. (*Only applicable to the main card of a HKD BOC Credit Card and BOC CUP Dual Currency Credit Card issued in Hong Kong bearing thelogo, but not applicable to additional Credit Card, Business Card, Private Label Card, Virtual Card, Intown Card and non-HKD Credit Card, and also not applicable to BOC Credit Cards issued in the mainland and Macau.)
    2. Sub-account refers to the saving or current account which is registered to a BOC Card / Credit Card. By registering account(s) to your BOC Card/Credit Card, you are able to operate the sub-account(s) via ATM to conduct transactions such as cash withdrawal. BOCHK ATMs provide HKD cash withdrawal service and some of them provide RMB or designated foreign currencies (USD, JPY, EUR and GBP) cash withdrawal service. Customers can withdraw the above mentioned currencies directly from the registered sub-accounts via BOC Card/Credit Card.
    3. Accounts allowed to be registered to your BOC Card / Credit Card as sub-accounts must be your individual or single-sign joint savings or current accounts (Hong Kong Dollar or Renminbi) and Multi-Currency Savings Accounts (including Renminbi and other currencies where applicable) under your name. (The account holder’s identification no. of both bank account and Credit Card must be the same.) The signature of sub-account holder must be the BOC Card / Main Credit Card holder.
    4. Each BOC Card / Credit Card can register up to 2 sub-accounts. Customer can view which sub-accounts are already registered on each card via “BOC Card/Credit Card Sub-Account Registration”. Please note that the sub-account setting shown in “BOC Card/Credit Card Sub-Account Registration” is as at last day. Instructions submitted by customer will not be updated to the above function immediately. Customer can view the latest registration results on the Effective Date.
    5. Each sub-account can be linked to a maximum of 5 BOC Cards or Credit Cards.
    6. All registered sub-accounts under the same account holder share the same maximum daily cash withdrawal limit.
    7. BOCHK will send SMS to inform customers about the registration results on the Effective Date. Customer can also view the latest registration results via Internet Banking or Mobile Banking on the Effective Date.
    8. If customer has submitted more than 1 instruction of sub-account de-registration (for one card) to BOCHK via different service channels (including branch, phone, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking) on the same day, BOCHK will process in the order in which the instructions are submitted.
    9. If customer has submitted more than 1 instruction of sub-account registration (for each card) to BOCHK via other service channels (including branch, phone banking) in addition to via Internet Banking or Mobile Banking on the same day, BOCHK will process the instructions based on the last instruction customer submitted via Internet Banking or Mobile Banking. Sub-account registration instructions submitted via branch or phone banking will not be processed.
    10. If customer has submitted instructions of both sub-account registration and de-registration for the same card on the same day, instruction to cancel sub-account will be processed first, followed by instruction to register sub-account, as per handling mentioned in point 8 and 9 above. BOCHK will send notification to inform about the results on the Effective Date. Customer can also view the latest registration results via Internet Banking or Mobile Banking on the Effective Date.

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Set up Credit Card Monthly Online and Card-Not-Present Spending Limit

  1. The Credit Card Monthly Online and Card-Not-Present Spending Limit Service (“Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit Service”) is applicable for both Main Cards and all Additional Cards issued in Hong Kong by the Company but excluding all Purchasing Card, Intown Virtual Card, BOC Private Label Card and BOC Express Cash Card, and other Cards as may be excluded by the Company at its sole discretion from time to time.
  2. Once the setup of Credit Card Monthly Online and Card-Not-Present Spending Limit (“Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit”) is successfully completed, the Main Cardholder and Additional Cardholder(s) shall not use the Card for Online and Card-Not-Present Spending in excess of such credit limit. If Main Cardholder does not apply for the Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit Service, the Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit will be defaulted at the Credit Limit of the Card.
  3. Application for the Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit Service and any change to the Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit can be made by Main Cardholder to the Company in such manner as may be determined by the Company from time to time. The change will be in effective immediately upon approval of application. The effective Credit Card Monthly Online and Card-Not-Present Spending Limit will be shown in the respective card statement.
  4. The Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit shall be shared jointly by Main Cardholder and all Additional Cardholder(s).
  5. Main Cardholder may apply for a multiple of $100 as the Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit subject to approval by the Company. Main Cardholder may apply for a “zero” amount of the Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit. Once application is approved by the Company, the Company will reject all Eligible Online Transactions to be conducted on such Card (including Main Card and all Additional Card(s)).
  6. The Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit shall not exceed the Credit Limit of the Card, and will be recalculated automatically on the first day of each statement cycle.
  7. The Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit shall be reduced to the Credit Limit in case the Credit Limit drops below the Credit Card Monthly Online Spending Limit, and shall remain unchanged in case of an increase of the Credit Limit unless otherwise instructed by Main Cardholder.
  8. "Eligible Online and Card-Not-Present Transactions " means transactions conducted online by cardholder for online purchase category merchants defined by credit card international organizations from time to time and mail order, telephone or fax order transactions, but excluding all online bill payments, credit card cash-in plans, mobile payments, transactions with a Cardholder and a Card being presented at any point (whether at or subsequent to the time of a transaction) and any transaction or spending as the Company may at its absolute discretion determine from time to time to be excluded as Eligible Online and Card-Not-Present Transactions.
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Block/Unblock Credit Card

  1. Your credit card will be temporarily blocked for 60 days. If it has not been unlocked after 60 days, for security reasons, we will automatically replace your credit card with a new one. If the credit card account has registered for mobile payment function, PPS or authorized merchants to debit the credit card account (e.g. Automatic payment, BOCHK monthly stock and fund services plans, etc.), you have to update your respective service provider your new card number. If you have pre-set any bill payment(s) with old card number via internet banking or mobile banking, please arrange it with your new card number after receiving your replacement card. For enquiry, please call the 24-hour Customer Service Hotline (852) 2853 8828.
  2. Once the credit card blocking function is enabled, all real-time authorized transactions will be temporarily blocked from the above effective date. However, existing "Direct Debit Authorization" instructions (e.g. Octopus Automatic Add Value Service), regular autopay, standing payment instructions, etc. will not be affected by the temporary blockade.
  3. If you need to block the supplementary card (if any) please call the 24-hour Customer Service Hotline (852) 2853 8828.
  4. Temporarily blocking a credit card does not mean reporting the loss of the credit card or canceling the credit card account. If you find any unauthorized transaction made by your BOC Credit Card, please report to us immediately at (852) 2544 2222 or via Mobile Banking.
  5. If you need to block the sub-account registered in the credit card at the same time, you can cancel the registered account through “Set ATM Service” in Internet Banking/Mobile Banking > “BOC Card/Credit Card Sub-account Registration”, or you can go through the procedure at our branch. The settings will take effect the following day at the earliest. After canceling the Sub-account registration, you need to re-register the Sub-account to continue using the service.
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Block/Unblock BOC Card

  1. Until the Bank successfully receive your unblock BOC Card instruction, your BOC Card is blocked. Once you card is blocked, all the real -time authorization transactions conducted by the card will be rejected (including payment, cash withdrawal, bill payment, payment transfer)For security reason, we will not deliver the renew card or replace card to you when the card is blocking.
  2. The Bank will block your BOC Card after receive your instruction. The blocking period is until the Bank receive your unblock instruction. You can unblock your BOC Card when you feel safe.
  3. You can login Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, 24-hours Customer Service Hotline or visit the branch to unblock the card. After the BOC Card is unblocked, all the transaction through this BOC Card is enable.
  4. Temporarily blocking a BOC Card does not mean reporting the loss or cancel the BOC Card. If your BOC Card is stolen or lost, please call (852) 2691 2323 or Online Chat to report the loss. If you find any unauthorized transactions, please report through branches, customer service hotline or Online Chat.
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Set up Over-the-limit Facility

  1. If a cardholder chooses to opt-in “Over-the-limit Facility” function, the card may be used to conduct limited overlimit transaction(s). An overlimit handling fee of HK$180 (per statement cycle) will be debited from your account whenever its balance exceeds the “Combined Limit” specified on the monthly statement.
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BOC Card In-App Purchase Limit

You can amend the daily In-App purchase limit of BOC Card held under your name.

  1. Frist time application for BOC Card Apple Pay mobile payment
    • The default daily In-App purchase limit is HKD/CNY1, 000.

  2. Limit Setting
    • You can amend the daily In-App purchase limit for each type of your BOC Card. The limit is HKD/CNY 0 to 5,000. You will receive notification after successful amendment.

  3. The daily In-App purchase limit will apply collectively to all types of BOC Card(s) held under your name.
Apple and Apple Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other Countries/Regions.
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BOC Card Daily Limit For POS Transaction And Transfer

You can amend the BOC Card Daily Limit For POS Transaction And Transfer held under your name.

  1. Frist time application for BOC Card Daily Limit For POS Transaction And Transfer
    • The default BOC Card Daily Limit For POS Transaction And Transfer is HKD/CNY50, 000.

  2. Limit Setting
    • You can amend the BOC Card Daily Limit For POS Transaction And Transfer. The daily limit is HKD/CNY 0 to HKD/CNY 50,000. You will receive notification after successful amendment.

  3. The BOC Card Daily Limit For POS Transaction And Transfer will apply to all types of BOC Card(s) held under your name (including supplementary account).
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Securities Quote Service Plan

Quote Meter
  1. Please select the Payment Account before stock quote and other related enquiry.

  2. Quote enquiry from market open of each trading session (including pre-opening session 09:00 - 09:29) to 15 minutes after market close of each trading session will be counted as real-time quote.

  3. You can check the quote usage and fees for the previous month and current month. If you are using "Basic Plan", the page will show the number of earned and used free quotes and the charging details.

  4. Monthly Basic free quotes
    • Monthly basic free real-time stock quotes will be granted to Internet Banking and Mobile Banking customers with securities account:
      • Diamond / Gold Star members of the Securities Club: 1,000 quotes
      • Silver / Bright Star members of the Securities Club: 500 quotes
    • The number of the monthly basic free real-time stock quotes entitled will be determined based on the membership status of the Securities Club of your sole-name securities account. If you only hold a joint-name securities account, the number of basic free real-time stock quotes entitled will be equivalent to that of the Bright Star member of the Securities Club.
    • Unused basic free quotes will not be carried forward.

  5. Carried Forward
    • The unused Transaction Bonus Quotes from the previous month. The carried forward quotes will be expired at the end of the current month.

  6. Transaction Bonus Quotes
    • The number of quotes awarded from securities transaction (excluding Monthly Savings Plan transaction). Calculated based on the number of transactions each month through any trading channels or the monthly accumulated turnover. Entitled 200 bonus quotes for every successful buy/sell transaction or every HKD 50,000 of monthly accumulated turnover or its equivalent (whichever number of free real-time quotes entitled is higher). The bonus quotes are valid until the end of the following month and the upper limit is 50,000 times.

      For Example : The number of transaction in the month is 3, and the total turnover is HKD 240,000.00.

      The monthly basic free quotes are 300.
      The Transaction Bonus Quotes counted by number of trades are 200 x 3 = 600.
      The Transaction Bonus Quotes counted by total turnover are 200 x 4* = 800 (*HKD 240,000 / HKD 50,000 = 4.8).
      The total free real-time quotes of the month is 300 (basic) + 800 (Transaction Bonus Quotes) = 1,100.

  7. Total Free Quotes
    • Total Free Quotes = "Monthly Basic Quotes " + "Carried Forward Bonus Quotes" from previous month + "Transaction Bonus Quotes".

  8. Used Quote(s)
    • The total number of real time stock quotes from Internet Banking and Mobile Banking used in the current month. The data is updated up to the previous day.

  9. Chargeable Quote(s)
    • Chargeable Quote(s) = "Used Quote(s)" - "Total Free Quotes"

  10. Fees
    • It is calculated as "Chargeable Quote(s)" times per quote fee. The amount charged for the real time stock quote usage. The fees of the previous month will be deducted from your payment account on the first banking day of the current month. The monthly real-time quote fees are determined based on the membership status of the Securities Club on the last banking day of the current month.

  11. Overdue Charge
    • The accumulated fees that cannot be deducted from your payment account (Excluding the fee of current month).

  12. Sequence for Deducting Quotes
    • First deduct "Monthly Basic Quotes", then deduct "Carried Forward Bonus Quotes", and finally deduct "Transaction Bonus Quotes".
Real-time Quote Meter
  1. Used Quote(s)
    • The total number of real time stock quotes from Internet Banking and Mobile Banking used in the current month. The data is updated instantaneously.

  2. Remaining Quote(s)
    • Remaining Quote(s) = "Total Free Quotes" - "Used Quote(s)" (real-time)
    • If the number of "Used Quote(s)" (real-time) exceeds the number of "Total Free Quotes", "Remaining Quote(s)" will show zero.

  3. Chargeable Quote(s)
    • Chargeable Quote(s) = "Used Quote(s)" (real-time) - "Total Free Quotes".

Alert Meter
  1. You can check the previous and current month usage and fees.

  2. Used Alert(s)
    • Total number of price alerts that have been used this month.

  3. Free SMS
    • The number of free alerts that can be used this month.

  4. Chargeable Alert(s)
    • Chargeable Alert(s) = "Used Alert(s)" - "Free SMS".

  5. Fees
    • It is calculated as "Chargeable Alert(s)" times the fee of each SMS. The fees of the previous month will be deducted from your payment account on the first banking day of the current month.

  6. Please update through "Change Personal Information" or visit any branch of the Bank for setting or updating of mobile phone number.

   Change Service Plan (Only applicable to personal customers)
  1. The newly registered plan will be effective on the first day of next month and will replace the current plan.

  2. Transaction Bonus Quotes and Service Fee Waiver will be counted independently. If you shift from Basic Plan to Monthly Plan/Streaming/Streaming (Mobile Device Version) or vice versa, the transaction bonus of the original plan will be cancelled.

  3. Under the following situation, the service will be suspended. Please contact our branches to reactivate the service. The default plan will be "Basic Plan" after reactivation.
    • Basic Plan: Accumulated overdue charge reaches HKD 500.00 or unsuccessful debit for 2 consecutive months.
    • Monthly Plan, Streaming or Streaming (Mobile Device Version): Unsuccessful debit for 2 consecutive months.
    • Price Alert: Accumulated overdue charge reaches HKD 200.00 or unsuccessful debit for 2 consecutive months.
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Change Password

  1. Your password must be in 8-12 digits and comprises at least any 2 types of the combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols, and should not contain 3 or more consecutive identical characters. Uppercase letters and lowercase letters are considered different characters.
  2. The new password may include i) numbers, ii) uppercase letters, iii) lowercase letters, iv) symbols: # $ % & ( ) * + , - . : ; ? @ = _ < >
  3. For security, new password must be different from the current password, Internet Banking No./login name. Do not use dictionary words, your name, date of birth, HKID/passport number, telephone or lucky number, or other easy-to-guess personal information, numbers or words as your password, and avoid selecting the same password that you have used for accessing other web services.
  4. You are advised to change your password regularly. We would remind you to change your password every 90 days or request you to change your password in a designated period of time.
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Change Personal Information

  1. If you cannot change your personal information via Internet Banking, please contact any of our branches.
  2. Change of personal information will take effect within 4 working days. If you need to change other details (such as nationality) of your personal account/service; details (including correspondence address) of your joint account/service; precious metal passbook account and/or insurance account, please visit any of our branches. If you need to change information of MPF account, please fill in the suitable forms and submit to particular branch. For details, please click here.
  3. Full email address must be provided, otherwise, it will be rejected.
  4. After all your personal information has been updated, SMS notification will be sent.
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  1. Jurisdiction of residence (including Hong Kong) means where the account holder is a resident for tax purposes For information on tax residence, please talk to your tax adviser or refer to the OECD Automatic Exchange Portal website.
  2. The term "TIN" (including "functional equivalent") means Taxpayer Identification Number or a functional equivalent in the absence of a TIN. A TIN is a unique combination of letters or numbers assigned by a jurisdiction to an individual or an Entity and used to identify the individual or Entity for the purposes of administering the tax laws of such jurisdiction. Further details of acceptable TINs can be found at the OECD Automatic Exchange Portal website.
    Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN. However, these jurisdictions often utilise some other high integrity number with an equivalent level of identification (a "functional equivalent"). Examples of that type of number for individuals include a social security/insurance number, citizen/personal identification/service code/number, and resident registration number.
  3. An account holder should report all changes in his/ her tax residency status to the Bank.
  4. If the account holder is a tax resident of Hong Kong, the TIN is the Hong Kong Identity Card Number.
  5. If a TIN is unavailable and the reason is "The account holder is unable to obtain a TIN", please contact any of our branches.
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Address Proof Document Upload

  1. “Address Proof Document Upload” is only applicable for customers who are applying for an investment account online but did not submitted an address proof document to the Bank before. If you would like to submit your address proof document for other purposes, please visit one of our branches.
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Interface Setting

  1. Main Page
    • For your convenience, the menu display format is available for your selection. You may flexibly pre-set the following content (up to 2) as your customized main page, including Account Overview, Investment Overview, Remittance Transaction Record, Insurance Transaction Record, Securities Account Details, Fund Account Details, Precious Metal/FX Margin Account Details and Precious Metal Account Details.

  2. Drop-Down Menu
    • You can opt to enable or disable the drop-down menu function, or change the related setting by clicking or at the top right corner of the page.
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Brunei Customer

Service Hour
Account Setting
Limit Setting
Security Setting
Change Password
Change Personal Information
Interface Setting

Service Hour

Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday and Public Holiday*(Subject to Hong Kong Holidays)
Account Registration (or cancellation of account registration) 08:00 - 24:00 08:00 - 24:00 --
Update fund transfer and payment limit 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Security setting 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Change password 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Change personal information
- Personal Information (Residential / Correspondence address excluded) 08:00 - 22:00 08:00 - 22:00 08:00 - 22:00
- Residential / Correspondence Address(es) 08:00 - 20:30 08:00 - 20:30 --
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Account Setting

  1. Registration of Same-name Account
    • Via Internet Banking, you can register (or cancel registration of) your bank accounts with the same identification number as your Internet Banking Service, covering MTC Account, BND Currency Account, other Savings Account and Currency Account.
    • Customers can register (or cancel registration of) up to 20 accounts for each transaction.

  2. Registration of Joint Account
    • You can register (or delete) your joint accounts (one of the joint account holder's identification number must be the same as your Internet/Phone Banking Service), including MTC Account, BND Currency Account, other Savings Account and Currency Account.
    • You can enquire transactions of your registered joint account. If you like to use the joint account for financial transaction, the signing arrangement of the joint account must be "either-one-to-sign" effective.
    • Customers can register (or cancel registration of) up to 20 accounts for each transaction.

  3. Registration of Third-party Account or Credit Card
    • Via Internet Banking (two-factor authentication required) or our branch, you can register (or cancel registration of) the third-party accounts maintained within the Group, including Savings Account, Current Account, Sub-Account, BOC Credit Card and BOC Express Cash. If the third party account is under the same account opening bank as your account, accounts that can be registered also include MTC Account, BND Currency Account, other Saving and Currency Accounts.

    • (Remarks: Online account registration service does not apply to the Group’s overseas account.)

  4. Registration of Beneficiary's Account for "Local Bank Transfer"
    • Only the following characters can be accepted in "Beneficiary's Name":
      • English Characters, e.g. A, a, B, b, C, c
      • Numerical Characters, e.g. 1,2,3
      • The symbols: / - ? : ( ) . , ' +
      • Please note that "/", ":" and "-" are not accepted as the 1st character of the "Beneficiary's Name". Also, consecutive spaces are not accepted as well.

  5. "Telegraphic Transfer" Beneficiary's Account
    • "Telegraphic Transfer" beneficiary's account indicates the account of any other local or overseas banks. Our bank will send the payment instruction via SWIFT or Telex.

    • Account Number
      • The maximum character limit is 34, including numerical characters, English characters and spaces.
      • Please click here to find the examples of IBAN code for your reference.

    • Accepted Characters
      • Numerical Characters, e.g. 1,2,3
      • English Characters, e.g. A, a, B, b, C, c
      • The symbols: / - ? : ( ) . , ' +
      • "/", ":" and "-" are not accepted as the 1st character of the "Name" and "Address". Consecutive spaces are not accepted as well.

    • Chinese UTF-8 Characters
      • If you are using Netscape browser, the invalid page code will appear in some cases, please select [View]->[Distribution]->[UTF-8].

  6. Account Balance Setting
    • Customer can choose one HKD Current Account (if applicable) and one HKD Savings Account in the same name for the calculation of the consolidated monthly average balance. For account(s) other than those designated ones, a monthly fee will be charged to each account should its monthly average balance fall below the requirement.
    • Monthly fee details of Savings / Current Account:
      Bank Monthly fee of Savings / Current Account
      Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (Brunei Branch) Details
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Limit Setting

Category Limit (per day)
Third Party Account Daily Fund Transfer Total Limit
Including fund transfer or remittance to registered third party accounts^ HKD1,000,000 (or equivalent)
^ Third party accounts include:
  1. other bank accounts within the Group with identification number different from that of Internet/Phone Banking account holder
  2. other local bank accounts
  3. overseas accounts
Notice: The limit can be amended online. If you want to increase the limit, please use two-factor authentication or visit any of our branches for application.
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Security Setting

To enhance security of online transactions, you are required to use two-factor authentication tools (includes: Mobile Token, Security Device or OTP.
  1. Two-factor authentication is required for the following "designated transactions":
    • Application of Security Device as two-factor authentication tool
    • Activation of Security Device
    • Reactivate the Security Device
    • Suspension of Security Device
    • Change login setting
    • Increase daily limit for funds transfer
    • Registration of third-party bank accounts maintained within the Group
    • Registration of other local bank accounts
    • Registration of beneficiary accounts for remittance
    • Change personal information
    • Linkage of Internet Banking account

  2. Mobile Token
    • "Mobile Token" is a built-in function of BOCHK Brunei Branch Mobile Application. Upon activation of "Mobile Token" on compatible mobile devices (Mobile Phones), you can generate a one-time "Security Code"/ "Transaction Confirmation Code" by using the preset Mobile Token passcode or Biometric Authentication (Fingerprint Authentication or Face ID Authentication), to confirm designated Internet / Mobile Banking transactions.
    • Operating system requirements and compatible mobile devices:
      • iOS 14 or above and Android 8.1 or above mobile phones.

  3. Security Device
    • Security Device is an electronic device which generates a one-time security code. You are required to input the one-time security code generated by the Security Device for authentication of transactions.

  • 3.1 Apply for Security Device
    • You are required to register your mobile number and visit our branch to apply for a "Security Device", "Security Device" with audio capability is also provided for the convenience of the visually impaired using Internet/Mobile Banking.
    • If you have registered for two-factor authentication (including OTP or e-Cert), you may apply for a "Security Device". Upon successful application, a "Security Device" will be sent to your mailing address by post. You are required to activate the "Security Device" before use.

  • 3.2 Activate Security Devices
    • Once activated, the "Security Device" you can conduct "designated transactions" with the "Security Device" through Internet Banking / Mobile Banking immediately.

  • 3.3 Reactivate the Security Devices
    • You can reactivate the suspended "Security Device" or reset the "Security Device" with this function.

  • 3.4 Suspend Security Device
    • After suspending the Security Device, you are unable to conduct "designated transactions" through Internet Banking. Please call Customer Service Hotline or visit any of our branches to reactivate the Security Device.

  1. Security Code Type
    • Security Code
      • By selecting "Login / Security Code" on "Mobile Token" or pressing the designated button on "Security Device", a 6-digit security code will be shown on the screen. The code can be used once only. You are required to input the security code to confirm the transaction.

    • Transaction Confirmation Code
      • You are required to input transaction confirmation code when conducting "designated transactions" through Internet Banking / Mobile Banking.

      • For Mobile Token
        You are required to following the instruction to select "Transaction Confirmation Code" on "Mobile Token" and input "Specific Transaction Information", such as account number or transaction ID to the Security Device, and then confirm by using biometric authentication or Mobile Token passcode to generate a 6-digit transaction confirmation code.

      • For Security Device
        You are required to following the instruction to press until showing "-" and input "Specific Transaction Information", such as account number or transaction ID to the Security Device, and then press again to generate a 6-digit transaction confirmation code.

  2. Specific Transaction Information
    • When conducting "designated transactions", you are required to enter specific transaction information such as account number or transaction ID to the "Mobile Token" / "Security Device" to generate the transaction confirmation code. The content to be input will be underlined in red on the Internet Banking screen for each transaction. Below are some examples:

    Example Information indicated in red and underlined on the Internet Banking screen Numbers to be entered into the Security Device
    4 to 8-digit number 1234567
    (All numbers)
    (All numbers)
    (All numbers)
    Include numeric and non-numeric characters, such as alphabets 123ab456cd789
    (Input 8 digits while alphabets are not required)
    Number with more than 8 digits 123456789
    (Last 8 digits)

  3. Login Setting
    • You can choose to log into the Internet Banking with the "Mobile Token" / "Security Device".
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Change Password

  1. Your password must be in 8-12 digits and comprises at least any 2 types of the combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols, and should not contain 3 or more consecutive identical characters. Uppercase letters and lowercase letters are considered different characters.
  2. The new password may include i) numbers, ii) uppercase letters, iii) lowercase letters, iv) symbols: # $ % & ( ) * + , - . : ; ? @ = _ < >
  3. For security, new password must be different from the previous password, Internet Banking No./login name and words that can be found in dictionary are not accepted. Do not use your name, date of birth, HKID/passport number, telephone or lucky number, or other easy-to-guess personal information, numbers or words as your password, and avoid selecting the same password that you have used for accessing other web services.
  4. You are advised to change your password regularly. We would remind you to change your password every 90 days or request you to change your password in a designated period of time.
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Change Personal Information

  1. If you cannot change your personal information via Internet Banking, please contact any of our branches.
  2. If you need to change your information on your residential and mailing address, please contact any of our branches.
  3. Full email address must be provided, otherwise, it will be rejected.
  4. After all your personal information has been updated, SMS notification will be sent.
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Interface Setting

  1. Main Page
    • For your convenience, the menu display format is available for your selection. You may flexibly pre-set the following content (up to 2) as your customized main page, including Account Overviewand Remittance Transaction Record.

  2. Drop-Down Menu
    • You can opt to enable or disable the drop-down menu function, or change the related setting by clicking or at the top right corner of the page.
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